Wednesday, September 19, 2007

An assertive mommy day

What difference in this baby over the last 48 hours. Her personality is peeping through and lots more giggles were enjoyed to day by her mom and dad. Just look at that cute little smile! Yippee! I love playing with my mom and dad! Playtime is proving a big hit and Li-Na especially loves her rattles.

Some on the floor in the nude tummy time.
Li-Na loves to explore her mommy's face (especially her nostrils, ha, ha). She was moving around, turning over, lifting up her body and Laura used this lovely time to massage her baby and practice some baby SMART moves.

Daddy having fun with his little girl, who has found her voice and loves to giggle and gurggle.

It was off to Thai restuarant for supper tonight, with dad having a turn to carry Li-Na in the carrier. She once again slept all the way through their meal. Cheers says Eric with a watermelon and Lemon healthy drink.

Some of the different foods they are trying out.
Li-Na woke up at 2am for a bottle. Her cot is next to their bed and she then started to play with her mom, squeeling with delight whenever Laura looked at her, then looking away and turning towards her mom with a huge big smile and lots of excitement before she eventually fell back to sleep. Laura sounds so excited and so in love with her baby when she discribes their interactions, it is lovely to hear.
Today they had their first poo to deal with and it turned into a bit of a ceremony with a big preparation before the nappy was changed and much excitement and even the odd photo.
Today they had to go and get passports sorted out, which just means more waiting and paperwork. Unfortunately Li-Na fell asleep just before she was due to have her photo taken and so they woke her up and she was propped up on a little chair for the photo and then Laura said she started wailing. Poor baby. At this point Laura jumped into "assertive mommy mode" and got between the camera and Li-Na and refused to let them take a photo of her baby who was distressed, she picked Li-Na up and told the guide they would just have to take the photo another time as it just was not worth upsetting her little girl who needed her sleep and did not appreciate having it disturbed.
The next 4 days are going to be free days for sightseeing and quality family time.


Nem said...

Just had a chance to look at the blog. Mum has been texting me photos but it's so good to see them in big. Your baby is beautiful and you all look so happy. Very excited about meeting her. Lots of love, Nem xx

Anonymous said...

Ciara sends lots of love and is so happy that at last you have your baby. She asked me to tell you she can't wait to meet her and that she thinks the photos are "maginficent". Li-Na is truly gorgeous and you have been utterly blessed guys. Enjoy your family time over the next few days - at least you'll get a break for a while Eric....she's too busy bossing Li-Na around!!!! ;-) Look after yourselves, love to your Mom Laura. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all. Duncan, Alex, Ruairi and Ciara Rose.

David said...

Li-na looks very happy and so does her adopted parents. Have fun.

Love David Sheree and Joshua

Michelle said...

Congratulations to you all! A complete family, what a wonderul time for you. We so look forward to meeting Li-Na and introducing her to her cousins ... very soon! Have a great time in China, enjoy the days, they are all precious! Love from Michelle, Terry, Samuel & Reuben

Michelle said...
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Anonymous said...

Aww Laura, she is such a cutie! So pleased its all going well! Look forward to meeting Li-Na at Christmas! Take Care, Sarah x

and the latest is.........

and the latest is.........
May 5th 2007 ( 2 years and 9 months since Adoption started. 18 months since Log in Date with China 21st November ) Me counting .....? No way!!! :)

Dare we hope for a June Referral? and "Gotcha Day"in August?