Friday, August 03, 2007

Proud Parents - Just wish we knew who she was!!

Well since our last posting we have moved on June 21st 2007 into our lovely new home and have been settling in. This is meant to be a Family Home...and we can now say we are a family - we will fetch our little girl in a few weeks. Typically, just as life goes - we have waited 3 long years since starting this process in August 2004 ...only to find we are not feeling ready now!!!! Panic is setting in!!

On Monday 30th August 2007- I was with my first patient of the day when Shawn called to say it was likely we were in this next batch- Rumour Queen rating - R2.
On the basis of this rather tentative news (which I chose to upgrade to a definate R5 status) ... I promptly burst into tears and proceeded to cry my way through the morning list of patients, gulping sugary tea and emptying my tissue box usually reserved for patients ...all the time reassuring my patients that I was actually very happy!!

Since then I have announced loudly and to anyone who happens to be around that "I'm a Mum!! " .... The news has gradually settled in...but today the worst was that as soon as I knew from CCAA that we were definately in this batch- I had to rush off to a "normal days work" as if nothing significant had happened to me. It was really quite bizarre.
We then spent the evening with family and friends and talked about a variety of topics - briefly mentioning the adoption ....when all I have wanted to do all day is run around screaming with my arms outstretched.... well it is now 23h28...and I can finally sit and dwell on the magnitude of what today really means for Eric and I.

We are parents to a child who at this moment in time is in China , possibly in a SWI ( orphanage) or in a Foster home, with no idea that she is about to have her whole little world whisked away in a moment.
We know that she is going to be so happy growing up with us...but she of course will not understand. Eric and I know that all will be well ultimately when we actually meet and get to know each other , but I am checking myself to see things from her little perspective.

At this moment in time we don't know who she is , or where she is.
There is a possibilty her details were posted in the evening post today...??? to us ??? to the Social Worker.
Will we know tomorrow ? Will we know on Monday? Aaaaghh!!
Monday is a busy day from 07h15 to 18h00 minimum..... How will I be able to wait??

All I know is that I am not prepared to have a quick glance at her details and photo. I would rather delay seeing her to my Day Off on Wednesday , so I can savour the moment that I have waited so long for.

Li Na ....when you read this oneday ..... just know how exciting it is for us now :)
We love you to bits already. I am already planning things to do, visualising you playing in the lounge and garden, and I have been wandering around your little armchairs and toybox all set out for you.
Upstairs your new room is a bit chaotic until your wardrobe arrives in the next few have more clothes than you need at present.... and you have a cot/little bed all of your own that noone else has ever slept in. Most of all you have a Mom and a Dad waiting to Love you, protect you and have fun with you as the future unfolds.

We cannot wait to meet you our little darling.
We have waited so long, and we are so happy we chose the adoption path to fetch you home. You are our daughter ..... and don't you forget it.
Your big Sister Natalie has already planned to take you shopping and (threatened) take you toyour first Rock Concert, with a few other ideas which I won't print!!!

Roll on tomorrow or next week. I am actually enjoying this rollercoast trip of emotions, just wish I had more hours to do what I feel I need to. I so wish my Mum & Dad were here to join in the celebrations.

Yahooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!! G'night and Thankyou Lord for bringing us together.


Whatshername's Mummy said...

I tried to post a comment yesterday - saying, that I thought it was time you updated the blog.
Then, logging on this morning, loads of new posts!! Most importantly the news of referral, I hope that your 'special delivery' arrives today and if not today then very soon.
Congratulations - this is the start of an amazing time, savour and enjoy!
With love from Wales,
Kate and Alice xxx

Shawnstribe said...

Dearest Laura and Eric,
we can't wait to share your good news.
Not long now and you and little LiNa will be united forever in a forever family fun!!!!
roll on summer, hazy days, and then in a twinkling of an eye you will be back in that wonderful country....China....
we love you guys and we already love your LiNa
Sleep tight

and the latest is.........

and the latest is.........
May 5th 2007 ( 2 years and 9 months since Adoption started. 18 months since Log in Date with China 21st November ) Me counting .....? No way!!! :)

Dare we hope for a June Referral? and "Gotcha Day"in August?